
I have a procedure which I have pasted below. I am using the VBe Enterprise environment and all test machines are Windows XP Pro SP2 with the latest hotfixes. On my machine (the one with the dev env) I have no issues running the application I have written. The machine is a Sony Vaio.

I have tested it on a Dell Dimension 3100 and it runs there also.

When I try it on another Sony Vaio and also on a couple of other laptops, all of the same XP PRo SP2, I get Error #5.

The line in question is: 470 BigString$ = Left(BigString$, Len(BigString$) - 1) It is always this line. If I move it the error moves.

The routine essentially scans through a INF file and retrieves drivers that are used on the PC.

I have read elsewhere in newsgroups that adding DoEvents solves this. But not for me. I have also tried altering the line to use MID, but that also does not work.

Can someone please help, as I cannot move to .Net due to the fact that users will be foced to install .NET framework just for this app and a lot of them refuse as it is a live network.

Function ReadINF(fname As String, InfSec As String)


          Dim LineFromFile$, cfSTR$, cfPOS As Variant, cfTRIM$
          Dim INF$()          ' Load the INF File into this array
          Dim cfCOMPS$()      'define cf components array
          Dim CompFiles$()    ' This is the array that will hold the actual file names
          Dim cnt, cnt2
          Dim j As Variant, i As Variant, k As Variant, L As Variant, M As Variant
          Dim InfSecPos As String, ktemp As String
          Dim foundFlag As Boolean, FirstTimeFind As Boolean
          Dim BigString$  ' Used to make up a delimited String to populate an array to avoid ERR 9
          Dim eqPOS   '  Position of Equals sign in CopyFiles String
          Dim LBoundOfArray, UBoundOfArray, ArrayCounter

10        On Error GoTo ReadINF_Error

20        foundFlag = False
30        FirstTimeFind = False

          ' Attach the []
40        InfSec = "[" + InfSec + "]"

          ' Set up the filesystem object
50        fname = Environ$("WINDIR") + "\inf\" + fname
60        Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
70        Set A = fs.OpenTextFile(fname, 1, 0)

          ' Read the inf file in and start process of query
80        cnt = 1
90        While Not A.AtEndOfStream
100           ReDim Preserve INF(cnt) As String
110           INF(cnt) = A.ReadLine
120           cnt = cnt + 1
130           DoEvents
140       Wend
150       A.Close

          ' First find the section
160       cfSTR$ = ""
170       For Each j In INF
180           If (InStr(1, j, InfSec, 1) = 1) And (foundFlag = False) Then foundFlag = True
190           If (foundFlag = True) And j = "" Then GoTo FoundEndOfSection
200           If (foundFlag = True) And (Mid(j, 1, 9) = "CopyFiles") Then
210               cfSTR = j
220               GoTo FoundEndOfSection
230           End If
240       Next


          ' Trim the "CopyFiles = " away
250       eqPOS = InStr(1, cfSTR, "=", vbTextCompare)

260       cfTRIM$ = Mid$(cfSTR, eqPOS + 1)

          'Parse cfSTR into the individual components
270       cfCOMPS$() = Split(cfTRIM$, ",", -1)

          ' ******************************************************

          ' Now find each section at a time and copy the files
280       foundFlag = False
290       cnt2 = 1
300       For Each k In cfCOMPS
310           BigString$ = ""
320           ktemp = k
330           ktemp = Mid(ktemp, 2)
340           InfSec = "[" + ktemp + "]"
350           LBoundOfArray = LBound(INF)
360           UBoundOfArray = UBound(INF)
370           ArrayCounter = 0
380           For Each L In INF
                  '    Form1.Print (L)
390               If (InStr(1, L, InfSec, 1) = 1) And (foundFlag = False) Then foundFlag = True
400               If (foundFlag = True) And L = "" Then Exit For
410               If (foundFlag = True) And L <> "" Then
420                   If L <> InfSec Then
430                       BigString$ = BigString$ + L + ","
440                   End If
450               End If
460           Next
              ' Finished scanning that aection - now remove trailing comma
470           BigString$ = Left(BigString$, Len(BigString$) - 1)

480           If foundFlag = True Then
490               DoEvents
                  '      BigString$ = Mid(BigString$, 1, Len(BigString) - 1)
500               foundFlag = False
                  ' Now pass BigString$ to the FileCopier.
                  '            Form1.Print (BigString$)
510               CopyDrivers regroot$, BigString$
520           End If
530       Next

540       On Error GoTo 0
550       Exit Function


560       MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " at line:" & Erl & vbCrLf & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure ReadINF of Form Form1"

End Function

In Anticipation



You havent done a check to see if BigString contains anything in it.

lenBigString = len(BigString)
if lenBigString <=1 then 
   msgbox "Invalid String"
end if


PG's Right. You should test if the string is empty (or how long the string actually is) before trying to get the left value from it....

The problem is not that I feel. The way that the previous area of the code works ensures that BIGSTRIN$ has always got the list of filenames seperated by commas. The reason for the LEFT was to remove the trailing comma.

380 For Each L In INF
' Form1.Print (L)
390 If (InStr(1, L, InfSec, 1) = 1) And (foundFlag = False) Then foundFlag = True
400 If (foundFlag = True) And L = "" Then Exit For
410 If (foundFlag = True) And L <> "" Then
420 If L <> InfSec Then
430 BigString$ = BigString$ + L + ","
440 End If
450 End If
460 Next

I have since removed this line altogether and put checking for a blank entry in the array when I split BIGSTRING$.

The issue therefore is something else.

Its a strange one this. I cannot recreate the error on my pc.

what about

lenBigString = len(BigString)-1
BigString = Left(BigString, lenBigString)

have you got BigString defined?


The problem with the line (470) is without a doubt, the fact that the length is equal to 0 in the left function. Check this:

'BigString$ = Left(BigString$, Len(BigString$) - 1)
BigString$ = Left(BigString$, Len(BigString$))

I removed the -1 (since the length of bigstring$ was 0) and the left function didn't flip out. It flips out (and returns an invalid procedure call or argument) when left is being called with a negative value. The second argument (parameter) to left, MUST BE a positive value (or 0, which I suppose is also positive). Check the length of bigstring$ first, such as: if len(bigstring$) < 0 then if you are having problems after removing that line, then there is more than 1 problem in the code, and I'm guessing it has to do with the length of bigstring$ being less than 0 also....

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