Hello There,

Do you have any experience how to run a dns cache ?
I want to learn how to run a dns cache and log what my users are browsing onto a webpage.
In other words, the Log File should turn into a webpage be it with .html or .php extension.
No, I am not interested in running a Lan router.
Talking about running the dns server over WAN. Don't ask me why. No dodgey or spying stuffs. All legal.
I have users who don't mind me logging their browsing history and showing it to others. Providing them incentives to permit me to do this.
Ok, so that takes care of the ethical part.
Now, who will aid me to take care of the technical part ?

Techno Gurus,

I don't care if the dns server is Unix like BIND or Windows aslong as it does what I want. prefer if it is easier to configure and use.

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