raveen4u 0 Newbie Poster

I am working on multiple forms when I write this code in a new form its giving me System.Overflow exception

Previously I worked on few form but never encountered a problem

plz solve this prob

Private Sub dbaCBCHonororium_Add() Handles dbaCBCHonororium.Add
Dim ObjCBCHon As clsCBCHonororium
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor
'dbaCBCHonororium.Mode = DBActions.ModeConstants.Edit
ObjCBCHon = New clsCBCHonororium
'set the Department object properties before the data could be saved
If dbaCBCHonororium.Mode = DBActions.ModeConstants.Add Then
Call BeginDBTransactions()
'insert into Department table
'f ValidateData() = True Then
If ObjCBCHon.CBCHonororiumExecute(DBA.DBInsert) = True Then
Call CommitDBTransactions()
End If
Dim NotifyMessage As New NotifyMsg("Honororium details saved", "CBCHonororium")
MessageBox.Show("Honororium details saved", "CBCHonoroium", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
dbaCBCHonororium.SaveImplemented = True
'fgSearch.Enabled = True
'Get the ID of New Department
'lock form controls
'set fore color blue
' Else
Call RollbackDBTransactions()
MessageBox.Show("Failed to save Honoroium details", "Honororium", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End If
'End If
' Else if dbaCBCHonororium.Mode = DBActions.ModeConstants.Edit Then
'Call BeginDBTransactions()
'update into Department record
If ObjCBCHon.CBCHonororiumExecute(DBA.DBUpdate) = True Then
Call CommitDBTransactions()
MessageBox.Show("Honororium Details are updated", "Honororium", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
dbaCBCHonororium.SaveImplemented = True
'fgSearch.Enabled = True
'Show the updated information on the grid
'lock form controls
'set fore color blue
Call RollbackDBTransactions()
MessageBox.Show("Failed to update Honororium ", "Honrorium", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End If
'End If
'mark Dept object for garbage collection
Catch e As Exception
'error handler
Call RollbackDBTransactions()
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default
End Try
'destroy reference
ObjCBCHon = Nothing
System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default

End Sub

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