ALAN 007 0 Newbie Poster

here is all my programming
the problem bits that do not work is the VAT and SUBTOTAL section in the CmdPrintReceipt and the CmdReturnProduct doesnt work on the form. Any help very much appreciated. email me on

Dim Products(1 To 20) As String 'stores products names
Dim SoldProducts(1 To 25) As String 'stores sold products
Dim SoldCosts(1 To 10) As Currency 'stores costs of sold products
Dim Prices(1 To 20) As Currency 'stores product price per kg
Dim weight As Single 'weight of product to 0.01 of kg
Dim ProductCost As Currency 'cost of sold product
Dim TotalCost As Currency 'total cost of products sold to current customer
Dim NumberOfSales As Integer 'number of products sold to current customer
Dim ProductIndex As Integer 'index into products when changing product name/price

Private Sub CboProducts_Click()
'finds and displays price per kg of product selected
Dim SearchProduct As String 'selected product
Dim Found As Boolean
ProductIndex = 1
SearchProduct = CboProducts.Text
Found = False
If Products(ProductIndex) = SearchProduct Then 'if product in array
'is the one we are looking for...
Found = True
'display its price per kg
LblCurrentPrice.Caption = Format(Prices(ProductIndex), "Currency")
ProductIndex = ProductIndex + 1 '....but if not move to next one
End If
Loop Until Found
End Sub

Private Sub CboProductsSold_Click()
CmdReturnProduct.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub CmdNewCustomer_Click()
'sets up the system to proces new customer
CmdSell.Enabled = False
CmdReturnProduct.Enabled = False
NumberOfSales = 0 'number of products sold to current
TotalCost = 0 'customer and total spent so far must be 0
LblTotalCost.Caption = Format(TotalCost, "Currency")
End Sub

Private Sub CmdOK_Click()
'stores changes made to product name and/or price
Dim NewProduct As String 'name of new product
Dim NewPrice As Currency 'new/changed price per kg
If Not IsNumeric(TxtNewPrice) Then 'has user input a number?
MsgBox ("You have not entered a valid price")
Else 'numeric value has been input
If TxtNewProduct.Text <> "" Then 'has user input a new product?
NewProduct = TxtNewProduct.Text 'if yes then store its name
NewPrice = TxtNewPrice.Text 'and price
Products(ProductIndex) = NewProduct 'in appropriate
Prices(ProductIndex) = NewPrice 'array
LblCurrentPrice.Caption = ""
LblProducts(ProductIndex).Caption = NewProduct 'replacement product
'name on weighting machine with new name
CboProducts.RemoveItem CboProducts.ListIndex 'and display it in
CboProducts.AddItem NewProduct 'combo box
TxtNewProduct.Text = ""
'user does not want a new product,
'only to change price of existing one
NewPrice = TxtNewPrice.Text
Prices(ProductIndex) = NewPrice 'store changes price
LblCurrentPrice.Caption = ""
End If
End If
TxtNewPrice.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub CmdReturn_Click()
'Processes a returned product by removing it from SoldProducts array and
'from CboProductSold, and recalculating total spent so far. Two changes to
'the display of products are also done under certain conditions
Dim SearchProduct As String 'product to return
Dim Found As Boolean
Dim Index As Integer 'index into SoldProducts and SoldCosts array
Index = 1
Found = False 'product not found yet
If CboProductsSold.Text = "" Then 'has product to return been selected?
MsgBox ("Please select the product to return")
Else 'product has been selected
SearchProduct = CboProductsSold.Text 'store product selected
If SoldProducts(Index) = SearchProduct Then 'is product in the
'current element of array the selected one?
Found = True 'if it is then product found
CboProductsSold.RemoveItem CboProductsSold.ListIndex 'so remove
'it from combo box
SoldProducts(Index) = "" 'and also from array
TotalCost = TotalCost - SoldCosts(Index) 'recalculate how mcuh
'current customer has spent so far
Else 'product not yet found in array
Index = Index + 1 'so move to next product in array
End If
Loop Until Found 'stop searching when product found
If SearchProduct = LstCurrentSale.List(0) Then 'product to return is
'on display in list box
LstCurrentSale.Clear 'so remove it
End If
If CboProductsSold.ListCount = 0 Then 'if there are no more products
'in the combo box then
CmdReturnProduct.Enable = False 'disable Return button
End If
End If
LblTotalCost.Caption = Format(TotalCost, "Currency")
End Sub

Private Sub CmdPrintReceipt_Click()
'print a receipt for the current customer
Dim Index As Integer
Dim SubTotal As Integer
Dim VATTotal As Integer
Dim VAT As Integer
VAT = 1.175
Printer.Print "KINGSKANDY"; Tab(40); Format(Date, "Long Date")
For Index = 1 To NumberOfSales 'process each produc bought
If SoldProducts(Index) <> "" Then 'this element of array wil be
'empty if product has been returned
Printer.Print SoldProducts(Index); Tab(40); Format(SoldCosts(Index), "Currency")
'print product if it is in array
End If
Next Index
Printer.Print Tab(22); "SubTotal"; Tab(40): SubTotal = Total / VAT
Printer.Print Tab(22); "VAT Total"; Tab(40); VATTotal = Total - SubTotal
Printer.Print Tab(22); "Total"; Tab(40); Format(TotalCost, "Currency")
Printer.Print "69 Queensmere Shopping Centre"
Printer.Print "Slough"
Printer.Print "Berkshire"
Printer.Print "SL1 2RJ"
Printer.Print Tab(15); "Thank you for your custom"
Printer.EndDoc 'without this method receipt will not
'print until you close the program
End Sub

Private Sub CmdSell_Click()
'processes sale of one product - calculate its cost and stores details
'of the sale
Dim ProductSold As String 'name of sold product
Dim ProductSoldCost As Currency 'cost of sold product
TotalCost = TotalCost + ProductCost 'calculate total cost so far
LblTotalCost.Caption = Format(TotalCost, "Currency")
NumberOfSales = NumberOfSales + 1 'keep count of how many
'products sold so far to customer
ProductSold = LstCurrentSale.List(0) 'name of sodl product can
'be taken from first item in list box
ProductSoldCost = LstCurrentSale.List(3) 'cost of sold product can
'be taken from first item in list box
SoldProducts(NumberOfSales) = ProductSold 'store name of sold product
SoldCosts(NumberOfSales) = ProductSoldCost 'store cost of sold product
CboProductsSold.AddItem SoldProducts(NumberOfSales) 'add name of
'product to combo box displaying sold products
CmdPrintReceipt.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
'stores product names and prices and displays product names in the control
'array of labels
Dim Index As Integer
'store product names and prices
Products(1) = "Truffle - Hazlenut Praline"
Prices(1) = 9.02
Products(2) = "Truffle - Cherry Liqueur"
Prices(2) = 8.46
Products(3) = "Truffle - White"
Prices(3) = 9.02
Products(4) = "Toffee - Nuts"
Prices(4) = 8.8
Products(5) = "Toffee - Chocolate"
Prices(5) = 5.9
Products(6) = "Fudge - Chocolate"
Prices(6) = 10.7
Products(7) = "Turkish Delight - Strawberry"
Prices(7) = 9.92
Products(8) = "Toffee - Malted"
Prices(8) = 11
Products(9) = "Fudge - Crispy Biscuit"
Prices(9) = 10.93
Products(10) = "Turkish Delight - Chocolate"
Prices(10) = 6.3
Products(11) = "Fudge - Strawberry"
Prices(11) = 7.2
Products(12) = "Turkish Delight - Vanilla"
Prices(12) = 8
Products(13) = "Truffle - Caramel"
Prices(13) = 7.08
Products(14) = "Biscuits - Chocolate"
Prices(14) = 9
Products(15) = "Gift Box - Chocolate"
Prices(15) = 6.5
Products(16) = "Gift Box - White"
Prices(16) = 9.99
Products(17) = "Gift Box - Caramel"
Prices(17) = 7.88
Products(18) = "Biscuits - Caramel "
Prices(18) = 10.7
Products(19) = "Mint - Chocolate"
Prices(19) = 12.55
Products(20) = "Coffee - Chocolate"
Prices(20) = 9.08
For Index = 1 To 20 'display product names in control array of labels
LblProducts(Index).Caption = Products(Index)
CboProducts.AddItem Products(Index)
Next Index
TxtWeight.Text = "0.0" 'could have done this at design stage instead
End Sub

Private Sub LblProducts_Click(Index As Integer)
'calculates cost of product and displays details of sold product in list
ProductCost = Prices(Index) * weight 'calculate cost
LstCurrentSale.AddItem Products(Index) 'display details
LstCurrentSale.AddItem "Price per kg: " & Format(Prices(Index), _
LstCurrentSale.AddItem weight & " kg"
LstCurrentSale.AddItem Format(ProductCost, "Currency")
CmdSell.Enabled = True 'enable Sell Button
End Sub

Private Sub UpdWeight_Change()
'adds or subtracts 0.1 to the displayed weight
weight = UpdWeight.Value / 100 'max property of UpdWeight is 100 so
'divide by 10 to get a weight from 0.0 to 1.0
If weight = 0 Then 'if Weight is 0 then text box displays
'0 rather 0.0, so force it to display 0.0
TxtWeight.Text = "0.0"
TxtWeight.Text = weight
End If
End Sub xxx

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