hello to every one! have a nice day! pls help me how to arrange data alphabetically in the data report which came from the data environment designer.. i want to keep records in ascending form such as last name. i am creating a students record and i want that their names be arranged in alphabetical order. is there way to do that! thanks all for you response!

hello to every one! have a nice day! pls help me how to arrange data alphabetically in the data report which came from the data environment designer.. i want to keep records in ascending form such as last name. i am creating a students record and i want that their names be arranged in alphabetical order. is there way to do that! thanks all for you response!

Dim dbCn As String
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rptCn As Connection
Dim rptRs As Recordset

Public Sub RptConnect()
Set rptCn = New Connection
rptCn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rptCn.Open conn
End Sub

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
Call RptConnect
Set rptRs = New Recordset
rptRs.Open ("Select * From tbluserlog Oder By LastName"), conn
Set rptUserlogAll.DataSource = rptRs
rptUserlogAll.Show 1
End sub

if there anything wrong just tell me..

Gud day! thank you v ery much.. i really appreciate your response. God bless!

gud day! thank you very much..

thanks for the response. but it did not work, or i think i have done incorrect process.. the idea is this, i have added data environment and data report, then i drag the fields from data environment to the data report named PRINTGS. what should i do to make fields in data report be ascended? after pressing the command button named PRINT, data report togther with the fields should be in alphabetical form which came from the data environemnt. the database name is RECORDS.MDB and table name is GRADINGSHEET, while the data report is PRINTGS. what should be the right process.

how could i manipulate the fields in the data report? if i dragged the fields from the data environment, all the contents will be displayed. i want that only the data from the query (SEARCH) will be displayed. how could i do the process. thanks!

hello to every one! have a nice day! pls help me how to arrange data alphabetically in the data report which came from the data environment designer.. i want to keep records in ascending form such as last name. i am creating a students record and i want that their names be arranged in alphabetical order. is there way to do that! thanks all for you response!

SELECT * FROM Publishers ORDER BY State, City DESC
SELECT * FROM Publishers ORDER BY State, City ASC

try using that code publisher is the table name and state is the field

Hi Arvin,

Whatever CommanD Object u have used to design the Report, Change it to:

"Select * From MyTable Order By FirstName"



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