If anyone has the time or inclination, I'd be interested to hear what others think of Open Watcom C++. Unlike DevC++ it's still under development so it may be a better compiler for those that can't/won't purchase one.

I just downloaded it myself so it'll be a while before I have an opinion.

And if anyone is interested in ForTran, that compiler is available, too.

Watcom is back? Thought that compiler was declared end of life a decade ago.

I found it a few years ago but haven't explored it. I remember it was supposed to be a pretty good one ages ago...

OMG, 55 MB, thats too much for experimentation...;)

But still will try when I get time and give you the feedback..

bleh, only about 10 minutes to download :)
Too busy with other things (brushing up my Spring knowledge and getting some reading in on EJB3) or I'd try it out.

*sigh* not everyone has the privelege of sitting behind a high speed connection.
It would take me well over 1 hour to download the massive installation package.

I presume SOS may not have the fast internet access we have here in USA. 50Mg can be a lot for slow dial-up modems or whatever people in India use.

I presume SOS may not have the fast internet access we have here in USA. 50Mg can be a lot for slow dial-up modems or whatever people in India use.

Yes, ditto. Though I don't use a modem( its broadband ), but its pretty slow as compared to the people living in UK (10Mbps :eek:) and US ( 2Mbps).

That's why I request people to post their entire code so that I don't have to move back and forth between pages...

I presume SOS may not have the fast internet access we have here in USA. 50Mg can be a lot for slow dial-up modems or whatever people in India use.

LOL here in the USA we have slow internet connections... relatively speaking of course... :rolleyes:

Interesting. I'll bet, unlike other installations, this is a full install whereas many others are a partial and during installation more stuff is downloaded. This would make programs like FireFox seem smaller, but they aren't.

Not saying you should download it anyway, just analyzing the download package...

I know Open Office is almost twice as large as this.

im on 10mb cable broadband lol (ntl uk) i can download a linux *.iso in like 4 mins - you dont jnow what your missing till you get it

and yeah, watcom is now back as "openwatcom" and you can use it to recompile lots of old games made in it which are now OSS e.g decent and doom etc.....

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