Hi there!

Using the code below I am able to discover the bluetooth address of a remote host and print it on the screen.

However, I would like to 'get' this bluetooth address, before printing on the screen, and store it in a text file on my PC.

How am I supposed to do that?

Thanks a lot.

The code to scan for other bluetooth devices:

SOCKADDR_BTH *pAddrBthLocal=(SOCKADDR_BTH*)pCSAddrDevices->LocalAddr.lpSockaddr;    AddrBthLocal.btAddr=pAddrBthLocal->btAddr

The code to print the remote bluetooth device's address on the screen:

addressSize = sizeof(addressAsString);
if (0 == WSAAddressToString(pCSAddrDevices->RemoteAddr.lpSockaddr, pCSAddrDevices->RemoteAddr.iSockaddrLength, 
        &protocolInfo, addressAsString, &addressSize)){
        Aux.Format("Remote Address: %s\n", addressAsString);
        m_SocketInfo.operator +=(Aux);

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thanks and sorry for late replying but i was away for a week.

ok i changed the code in the following way but I get the errors below.

addressSize = sizeof(addressAsString);
if (0 == WSAAddressToString(pCSAddrDevices->RemoteAddr.lpSockaddr, pCSAddrDevices->RemoteAddr.iSockaddrLength,
&protocolInfo, addressAsString, &addressSize)){
Aux.Format("Remote Address: %s\n", addressAsString);

ofstream foo("foo");
foo << addressAsString;

m_SocketInfo.operator +=(Aux);

The errors:

error C2065: 'ofstream' : undeclared identifier
syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'foo'
'foo' : undeclared identifier
<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [1000]'
left of '.close' must have class/struct/union type

Am I missing something?

Am I missing something?

:confused: Did you try including fstream.h

#include <fstream.h>


I have included it... :/

ok, then try using it like this.

#include <fstream.h>

void main()
      ofstream file;
      //your code


     file<<"what erver you want :-)";


no worries, there was a problem with the 'include directories' in VC++.

problem is now solved. many thanks for your help :)

Good you fixed it.Now get going onto proper file i/o and log the stuff you need in an organised fasion.

Problem continuing...:

Hi there.

Now that i have the MAC address in a text file I was just wondering how I can 'graphically' show the stats of this text file (ie. that the mac address 0A:4h:3e:1b has been recorded 3 times at that time of the day etc.)?

I would really appreciate it if you could help me on this matter.

Thanks a lot

PS Should I change the format of the file (instead of .txt to use a .xml maybe?)

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