plz someone tell me a program to add 10 numbers using the while(condition) loop very quickly plzzzzzzzz

Plzzzzzzzzzzz post your code very quickly and someone will help you.

He probably has an assignment due in an hour, and he wants a quick solution. Read the sticky, Malouka. We only offer homework help to those who show effort.

The first problem to fix is to get a new keyboard.

It seems the 'p' and 'z' keys are a bit on the sticky side. ppppppprintf("hello world"); just isn't going to compile properly.

Is a special feature coming up now. Designed for writing code with arrays.

Hi there, I just wanted to say, I think you all are making very valid points, and I think it's just unfortunate that some people don't use decent grammar in forums and seem to ask people to do their work for them - I mean even in a school setting, you'll be hard pushed to find a classmate or member of staff who will just do your work for you. Still though I just like to hope that all people who ask for help (including me) aren't tarred with the same brush, but are looked upon individually because I have seen some people put some effort when they've posted questions.

And as a small aside, does Daniweb by any chance use a css file that means that visited links don't change colour? Just something I noticed...:-p

Still though I just like to hope that all people who ask for help (including me) aren't tarred with the same brush, but are looked upon individually because I have seen some people put some effort when they've posted questions.

We do our best to help those who try to do the work themselves.

And as a small aside, does Daniweb by any chance use a css file that means that visited links don't change colour? Just something I noticed...:-p

See this thread

See this thread

Hehe, I get it.:P. Was just being a bit too curious.

See this thread

Looks like Mel forgot regular members can't view threads from the moderator forum. ;)

By the way, congrats on that "featured poster" badge!

Looks like Mel forgot regular members can't view threads from the moderator forum. ;)

I didn't realize that was mod only forum.

By the way, congrats on that "featured poster" badge!

Thanks -- I hadn't noticed it. :)

Looks like Mel forgot regular members can't view threads from the moderator forum.

That isn't a Mod forum -- its Area51. ;-)

And btw Mel, congratulations to yet another spammer.... ;-)

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