I am currently getting 33 linking errors like the following:

c:\msvc\mfc\lib\lafxcwd.lib(sockcore.cpp) : error L2029: 'WSAASYNCSELECT' : unresolved external
c:\msvc\mfc\lib\lafxcwd.lib(sockcore.cpp) : error L2029: 'GETHOSTBYNAME' : unresolved external
c:\msvc\mfc\lib\lafxcwd.lib(sockcore.cpp) : error L2029: 'WSASTARTUP' : unresolved external

in each one is a different socket function. Each function listed in the errors appears nowhere in my program. I know that there has to be one thing that will make them all go away. can anyone help?


You're -not- using winsock? Odd. Well, one of the modules you're including is. Option 1, nuke that module. Option 2 (a hack), link against WS2_32.Lib.

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