Can please anyone help me on how to develop an Auto Searching System just like in Google and Yahoo.. im using VB.NET as front end and SQL server 2000 as its back end..

this is my code but it doesnt work...

SqlCommand1.CommandText = "SELECT eol_id, firstname FROM eol_info where eol_id like '" & id.Text & "%'"

thanks.... :icon_wink:

if u used data grid for viewer i have the code :
- first u have a connection module (in this code i used GetConnect to connect to sqlserver)
- in this code dgWhat is datagrid name.

Dim conn As SqlConnection
Dim cmdWhat As New SqlCommand
Dim daWhat As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim dsWhat As New DataSet
Dim dtWhat As New DataTable

conn = GetConnect()
cmdWhat = conn.CreateCommand
cmdWhat.CommandText = SELECT eol_id, firstname FROM eol_info where eol_id like '" & id.Text & "%'"
daWhat.SelectCommand = cmdWhat
daWhat.Fill(dsWhat, "eol_info")
dgWhat.DataSource = dsWhat
dgWhat.DataMember = "eol_info"
dgWhat.ReadOnly = True

hope this help.OK

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