Is there a way to catch a "program.exe stopped working" Windows error?
I am not sure what to look for, or even where to look, in my code. I have the code repeat a rather complicated algorithm using different data several times. It runs fine for 27 iterations and then Windows stops the console based application. If I start the program again, using the data set from just before it stopped, the program cycles through the data just fine and ends as expected. This has happended several times, and always in the same place with the same data set.
I have tested the program by having it analyze the same data set for 50 times (using a data set that analyzed without problem before) and it runs to completion as expected. This makes me think that I do not have a memory leak error that I am somehow failing to catch and/or correct.
I then tested the the program by having it analyze the data where it stops, cycling through just that data 50 times. It runs to completion as expected. This makes me think that there is not a problem with that particular data set.
So, is there some way to catch these Windows errors in a C++ code? If so, what do I do about it??
Is this merely a Windows problem, or can something like this happen in different operating systems?