This is my code

index_dictionary = dict()

with open("BIBLE.txt") as Bible:
    count = 0
    for line in Bible:
        index = line[:8].split()
        Book = index[0].strip().upper()
        chapter, verse = list(map(str.strip, index[1].split(":")))
        index_dictionary[(Book, chapter, verse)] = count
        count += len(line)

Bible = open("BIBLE.txt")
while True:
    search_engine = input(
                          "Book list: Ge(Genesis), Ex(Exodus), Le(Leviticus), Nu(Number), De(Deuteronomy), "
                          "Jos(Joshua) \n "
                          "(or x to exit)      \n"
                          "Input Book(Abbreviation only!):Chapter:verse     \n "


    if search_engine == "x":
        print("see you next time")
    Book, chapter, verse = list(map(str.strip, search_engine.split(":")))
    keyword = (Book.upper(), chapter, verse)
    if keyword in index_dictionary:
        bible = Bible.readline()

I get reference from this

There is a few problem, first, it did not print what I want it too, it only print Ge:1:1 the first time, the second time you print you get Ge:1:2, even if you put Joh:3:16 you will still get Ge:1:1 I dont know anymore. Can someone help me? And If i put it will got error code '<' not supported between instances of 'dict' and 'int'

Thanks in advance

Recommended Answers

All 2 Replies

  1. What are you wanting as the output from this script?
  2. What does the input (bible.txt) look like?

In this block you are simply reading the next line of the file instead of searching for the desired verse.

    if keyword in index_dictionary:
        bible = Bible.readline()
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