Hello everyone,

Ive been having trouble trying to incorporate the code for an image Map into a PHP global.inc.php document of my community.

The image map code is:

<img name="headerbanner0" src="headerbanner.gif" width="950" height="125" border="0" usemap="#headerbanner" alt="" />

<map name="headerbanner">
<area shape="rect" coords="224,93,385,125" alt="newsroom">
<area shape="rect" coords="585,90,793,2081874365" href="http://cyberpetcity.com/view_page.php?page=1363&game=1" alt="cybertown">
<area shape="rect" coords="411,90,564,125" href="http://cyberpetcity.com/free_food.php?game=1" alt="soup">
<area shape="rect" coords="806,94,943,125" href="http://cyberpetcity.com/view_page.php?page=1362&game=1" alt="contact">

-------------------------And the PHP code im trying to add it to is:

if ($getGame[use_logo] == "1")

	$gameName = "<img src=$base_url/images/user_images/opg_$game/logo.gif>";


Im not sure if this can be done but would be a huge help if I am able to provide a decent navigation menu. I tried to insert a Xara menu which would have been absolutely perfect but was really hard to do and I was unsuccessfull.

Any help would be much apreciated

Hi justted,

Could you elaborate on what exactly the problem is? All I'm getting as far as a question is:

"How do I add the image map HTML to the global.inc.php file?"

Am I right, and if so:



$map = <<<END
<img name="headerbanner0" src="headerbanner.gif" width="950" height="125" border="0" usemap="#headerbanner" alt="" />

<map name="headerbanner">
<area shape="rect" coords="224,93,385,125" alt="newsroom">
<area shape="rect" coords="585,90,793,2081874365" href="http://cyberpetcity.com/view_page.php?page=1363&game=1" alt="cybertown">
<area shape="rect" coords="411,90,564,125" href="http://cyberpetcity.com/free_food.php?game=1" alt="soup">
<area shape="rect" coords="806,94,943,125" href="http://cyberpetcity.com/view_page.php?page=1362&game=1" alt="contact">

if ($getGame[use_logo] == "1"){
  $gameName = "<img src=$base_url/images/user_images/opg_$game/logo.gif>";

Member Avatar for r4ccoon

what is image map?

an image map is an image the has links attached to hotspot (coords) on the map.

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