Wiizl 0 Light Poster

Hello guys!

So here's the problem. I'm making kinda simple forum and I'm using SiteMapPath to navigate through sections and threads. Like HOME>>Programming>>SomeThread. But that's not important... Also I have database with 3 tables. One with SectionID and SectionTitle, other one with ThreadTitle and SectionTitle , and the third table containing ReplyDate, ThreadTitle and Reply. So I'm using GridView to load all SectionTitles into it. Thats's easy. But what I don't understand is how to make so that when i click on one of those Section links in GridView it opens a new page with another GridView, containing only corresponding Threads.
Can anybody help me?

I was trying to use like DataNavigateUrlFormatString threads.aspx?id={0} or something like that, but I don't understand how can I use that id to get something out of the database...

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