tcv56 0 Newbie Poster

Hi all,

Since i did not get any response from my previous question (posted few days ago) , let me ask you all another question and hopefully (if I get some answers) this would help the other.

I passed a list of some calculated variables from my cf template to rpt builder using ArrayToList and I have no problem here. How do I extract those values off the list in rpt builder?

<cfset temp = ArraySet(testarray,1,3,"")>
<cfset testarray[1] ="11">
<cfset testarray[2] ="13">
<cfset testarray[3] ="31">
<cfset abc = ArrayToList(testArray)>
<cfform name="report" action="../index.cfm?template=report" method="post">
<cfinput type="submit" name="Report" value="get rpt">
<cfinput TYPE="hidden" VALUE="#abc#" NAME="array">

<cfreport template="myrpt.cfr" format="pdf" overwrite="yes" >
<cfreportparam name="c1" value="#array#">




the rpt I want to do is something like this

c1 c2 c3
15 32 59
