Inny 1 Posting Whiz in Training

Im trying to rewrite a link with a href function. I need to parse a query string within it ('+tid')

But all attempts Have falied. The current onclick/ link function

<a href="javascript:who_posted();">Who Posted?</a>

is attached to my forums 'replys' number colum in forum veiw' (i have no direct access)

it appears in the staus bar on hover as

<a href="javascript:who_posted(428);">Who Posted?</a>

where '428 is the tid (topic id).

I want to write a href link to do this (elsewhere in html) and add the tid of whatever topic
the page is currently on.

see site for clarification (click the 'replies' number next to a title)

click on any topic, and see a mail href link above. I want to add the who_posted function href there, so that whatever topic your on, the who posted box will work.

code is (no direct access)

<script language='javascript' type="text/javascript">
    function who_posted(tid)
    {""+tid, "WhoPosted", "toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=230,height=300");
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