FallenPaladin 0 Junior Poster in Training

Hi I am hopeing someone can help me with extracting and formating the time from an sql server datetime field. I have tried a number of different methods, all of which have returned a runtime error of 800a000d. The following are two methods that I have tried, yet I think one will work, I just need a little help with the syntax.

Do While Not rsDVDS.EOF
     runHours = Hour(sDVDS("runningTime"))
     runMins = Minute(sDVDS("runningTime"))
     Response.Write "<table width=" & "100%" & " border="&"1"&">"
     Response.Write "<tr>"
     Response.Write ("<td width=""25%""><div align=""center"">")
     'if rsDVDS("caseCover") = null then						Response.Write ("<img src=""../images/noDvdPic.jpg""/>")
	'Response.Write ("<img src=""../images/dvdPics/" & rsDVDS("caseCover") & "/>")
    'end if
    Response.Write "</div></td>"
    Response.Write "<td>"
    Response.Write rsDVDS("title") & "<br>"
    Response.Write  (runHours &"h "& runMins &"min")
    Response.Write  "<br>"
    Response.Write rsDVDS("genres") & "<br>"
    Response.Write rsDVDS("studio") & "<br>"
    Response.Write "</td>"
    Response.Write "<td>"
    Response.Write rsDVDS("price") & "<br>"
    Response.Write rsDVDS("classification") & "<br>"
    Response.Write "</td>"
    Response.Write "</tr>"
    Response.Write "<tr>"
    Response.Write "</tr>"
    Response.Write "</table>"
    Response.Write "<table width=" & "100%" & " border="&"0"&">"
    Response.Write "</table>"

The second method is the same code without

runHours = Hour(sDVDS("runningTime"))
runMins = Minute(sDVDS("runningTime"))

And replaceing

Response.Write  (runHours &"h "& runMins &"min")


Response.Write  FormatDateTime(rsDVDS("runningTime"), vbShortTime)

Please can anyone help?

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