VidVB6 0 Newbie Poster


I have a collection in VbScript (on an asp page) named coll
The UI of the ASP page has dropdown thats is to be populated based on the iteration I do in the collection "coll"
I iterate it based on it s count...but How to I add each of its item into the dropdown??
adding it to dropdown is to be done in javascript(it is not client side)...
so can anyone tell me how do I get each item of the "coll" collection & add it to the dropdwn?
i tried something like this....

dim objGetComm 
dim coll 
dim itemcomm 
set objGetComm=server.CreateObject("GetComm3.GetComm3Mod") 'object of GetComm3.dll
set coll=server.CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
set coll=objGetComm.GetComm3Mod 'calling the specific function of the dll
for i=0 to coll.Count -1
  set coll.Item=itemcomm
<script language=javascript>

This gives me error at red line
can anyone tell me how to resolve this?..pls