Hello everyone!

Ok i have a question, I have a php calandar and when you click on a date a pop up comes up and you are able to add entrys to the main calandar. That works just fine, but i need help figureing out how to refresh the main calandar after someone has pressed the submit button on the pop up. Thanks!!


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you could maybe use header(location:mycalander.php)

Tried that, that will bring the main calandar back up in the pop up screen, what i want is the parent window to be refreshed after the submit button is pressed. Thanks though!

what about using a meta refresh <meta http-equiv="refresh" url="mycalander.php">?

Thanks for the replys but i figured it out.. This is how i did it....

i put this in the Head

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
     function refresh() {
 // reload parent window

And then put this with the submit button...

<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\" onClick = refresh()>
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