how do I display a random word from an array of six words

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  1. Create random generator between zero to five
  2. Get output number from it.
  3. The return number will be array position of a word to display


Use the following code to get random values

Option Explicit
Dim Tip(6)
Tip(1)  = "tip 1"
Tip(2)  = "tip 2"
Tip(3)  = "tip 3"
Tip(4)  = "tip 4"
Tip(5)  = "tip 5"
Tip(6)  = "tip 6"

Function RandomNumber(intHighestNumber)
	RandomNumber = Int(intHighestNumber * Rnd) + 1
End Function

Dim randval
randval = Tip(RandomNumber(10))

randval is the random value from the array

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