
This is just an extraction from the code.

The code below works really well in Mozilla Firefox, but does not work with the <a> and <font> tags in any other browsers. When I remove <a> and <font> tags, it works in other browsers...

If anyone can spot the problem, I will really appreciate your help.


$vas= $row['Name'];

echo "document.getElementById(\"Layer1\").innerHTML = document.getElementById(\"Layer1\").innerHTML + <font size='3'> <a href = \"#\" onclick=\"ShowPicture('$varr')\" >". $vas ."</a></font>; ";

Thanks, i just resolved it myself. I missed the single inverted commas...

echo "document.getElementById('Layer1').innerHTML = document.getElementById(\"Layer1\").innerHTML + '<font size=\'3\'><a href=\"#\"  onclick=\"ShowPicture(\'$varr\')\" >".$vas ."</a></font><br />'; ";
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