So I've created an array based on posted information (a big list of numbers separated by lines which has then been exploded)
So this array may contain numbers from 0-100

or whatever

So I have one array of numbers

Now for each number I want to find out many numbers are BELOW it in the entire array

So what I do is use foreach twice.

foreach($myarray as $n => $v) {
     foreach($myarray as $name => $value) {
          if($value<$v) {
echo $total;

I know what the problem is but I don't know how to fix it!

When I use $value<$v, it gives the wrong total.

What it does, say $value = 20, and $v = 4, it thinks 20 is smaller than 4 - it's not a clever number. Say $v was 1, it would think it was smaller. It doesn't take the whole number into consideration.

It only doesn't work when $v is given as a variable, and not a static number.

if I did this...

     foreach($myarray as $name => $value) {
          if($value<4) {
echo $total;

It would work.

I'm not sure how well I've explained this but, yeah. Any ideas? Cheers!

Fixed it

I had to user number_format() on the numbers :)


not clear... but intresting to reply..

$arr = array(11,25,3,47,775,96,70,82,29,10);
$outputArr  = Array();
foreach($arr as $key => $value) {
  $outputArr[$value] = count($arr)-$count;   
echo "<pre>";

.. try this printed o/p... if its not satisfying u.. pls explain d probs... with example

@vinothkumarc, The OP fixed the problem himself using the function number_format. :)

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