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The page in question is located at I'm integrating reCaptcha ASP code I obtained and having trouble w/ catpcha validation.

I've fixed some minor syntax issues (I think) from the original code as well as expanding the cdoConfig.Fields. I've got Javascript code checking the required contact form fields: Name, Email, Message. This appears to be working fine (I realize there is also ASP authentication for Name and Email further down the page, but I prefer the pop-up window and I figured if this part is working I should just leave it alone).

The captcha displays and refreshes just fine, but it does not appear to be authenticating properly because I can submit the form without entering a captcha - and when I do enter the captcha no email is sent - in both cases, I get no Error or Confirmation message.

Also just to clear up the obvious, I'm sure that I entered the correct variables for Public Key, Private Key, and SMTP settings in the beginning of the form. Any help and constructive comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and here's the code (sorry if it's sloppy):

<%@ Language="VBScript" %>
Option Explicit

'Define some variables to be used on page
dim pubkey, privkey, challenge, form_response, show_form, form_feedback, message, email_from, email_to, subject, test_captcha, smtpserver, smtpid, smtppw, url

'Customize your public and private keys and other variables
pubkey = "(removed for forum post)"
privkey = "(removed for forum post)"
smtpserver = "(removed for forum post)"
smtpid = "(removed for forum post)"
smtppw = "(removed for forum post)"
url = "contact.asp"

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* Required field(s) validation v1.10- By NavSurf
* Visit Nav Surf at
* Visit for full source code

function formCheck(formobj){
	// Enter name of mandatory fields
	var fieldRequired = Array("name", "email", "comments");
	// Enter field description to appear in the dialog box
	var fieldDescription = Array("Name", "Email", "Message");
	// dialog message
	var alertMsg = "Please complete the following field(s):\n";
	var l_Msg = alertMsg.length;
	for (var i = 0; i < fieldRequired.length; i++){
		var obj = formobj.elements[fieldRequired[i]];
		if (obj){
			case "select-one":
				if (obj.selectedIndex == -1 || obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].text == ""){
					alertMsg += " - " + fieldDescription[i] + "\n";
			case "select-multiple":
				if (obj.selectedIndex == -1){
					alertMsg += " - " + fieldDescription[i] + "\n";
			case "text":
			case "textarea":
				if (obj.value == "" || obj.value == null){
					alertMsg += " - " + fieldDescription[i] + "\n";
			if (obj.type == undefined){
				var blnchecked = false;
				for (var j = 0; j < obj.length; j++){
					if (obj[j].checked){
						blnchecked = true;
				if (!blnchecked){
					alertMsg += " - " + fieldDescription[i] + "\n";

	if (alertMsg.length == l_Msg){
		return true;
		return false;
// -->
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                      <td style="width:100%; height:100%; background:url(images/r_side.gif) no-repeat right top;"><img src="images/clearspace.gif" width="40" height="10" alt="" style="margin-top:17px; margin-left:53px;"><span class="style1">Contact UFO Recordings</span><br>
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						  <div style="margin-left:11px; margin-right:11px;"> 
						  <div align="justify" class="style2" style="margin-left:11px; margin-right:11px;">To book a <span class="style3"><strong>UFO Recordings</strong></span> artist for your next event or party, please send us an email using the form below. We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours.</div>
'''''''''''''''''''''' BEGIN FUNCTIONS ''''''''''''''''''''''''
'Function to Test Captcha Field
challenge = Request.Form("recaptcha_challenge_field")
form_response = Request.Form("recaptcha_response_field")

function recaptcha_confirm(privkey,rechallenge,reresponse)

  Dim VarString
  VarString = _
          "privatekey=" & privkey & _
          "&remoteip=" & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") & _
          "&challenge=" & rechallenge & _
          "&response=" & reresponse

  Dim objXmlHttp
  Set objXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP") "POST", "", False
  objXmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  objXmlHttp.send VarString

  Dim ResponseString
  ResponseString = split(objXmlHttp.responseText, vblf)
  Set objXmlHttp = Nothing

  if ResponseString(0) = "true" then
    'They answered correctly
     recaptcha_confirm = ""
    'They answered incorrectly
     recaptcha_confirm = ResponseString(1)
  end if
end function

'Example Function to Send Email Using CDOSYS
function sendEmail( email_to, subject, message, email_from )
        'send email

        Dim cdoConfig, cdoMessage
  Set cdoConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")

  With cdoConfig.Fields
  .Item("") = 2
  .Item("") = smtpserver
  .Item("")  = 25
  .Item("") = 1
  .Item("") = smtpid
  .Item("") = smtppw
  .Item("") = 60
  End With

  Set cdoMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

  With cdoMessage
  Set .Configuration = cdoConfig
        .Subject = subject
        .From = email_from
        .To = email_to
        .TextBody = message
  End With

  Set cdoMessage = Nothing
  Set cdoConfig = Nothing

end function
'''''''''''''''''''''' END FUNCTIONS ''''''''''''''''''''''''

'''''''''' FORM REQUEST, PROCESSED ON POSTBACK ''''''''''''''
'Form posts back to this page

        form_feedback = ""
        show_form = true
        if Request.Form("submit") <> "" AND Request.Form("submit") = "Send Comment!" then

        show_form = false

                'Assemble message
                subject = "Email From UFO Recordings Website"
                message = "Name: " & Request.Form("name") & vbcrlf & "Company: " & Request.Form("company") & vbcrlf & "Email: " & Request.Form("email") & vbcrlf & "Phone: " & Request.Form("phone") & vbcrlf & "Message: " & Request.Form("comments")

                'Enter destination e-mail
                email_to = smtpid

				'Required - Name
                if Request.Form("name") = "" then
                        form_feedback = form_feedback & "<li>Please enter your name.</li>"
                        show_form = true
                end if
				'Required - Email Address
                if Request.Form("email") <> "" then
                        email_from = Request.Form("email")
                        form_feedback = form_feedback & "<li>Please enter your email address.</li>"
                        show_form = true
                end if

                'Required - Correct Captcha Value
    			test_captcha = recaptcha_confirm(privkey, challenge, form_response)

                if test_captcha <> "" then
                form_feedback = form_feedback & "<li>The entered text does not match, please try again.</li>"
                show_form = true
                end if

                'No Errors on Page, Send E-mail
                if show_form = false then
                        call sendEmail( email_to, subject, message, email_from )
                        <p>Your comment was sent successfully!</p>


                end if
        end if


        if show_form = true then
        'Display errors to user
                if form_feedback <> "" then
                <ul style="background: #ffffcc;"><%=form_feedback%></ul>
                <% end if

'''''''''''''''''' DISPLAY INITIAL FORM ''''''''''''''''''''''

						  <form name="contactform" action="<%=url%>" method="post" onSubmit="return formCheck(this);">
<div class="style4">
  <table border="0" align="center">
   <td width="120" align="right" valign="middle" class="style5">* <em>Required</em></td>
   <td width="180" valign="middle" class="style3"><img src="images/clearspace.gif" width="1" height="20" alt=""></td>

   <td width="120" align="right" valign="middle" class="style2"><span class="style5">*</span> Name</td>
   <td width="180" valign="middle"><input type="text" name="name" value="<%=Request.Form("name")%>" size="30" maxlength="80"></td>

   <td align="right" valign="middle" class="style2">Company</td>
   <td valign="middle"><input type="text" name="company" size="30" maxlength="80"></td>

   <td align="right" valign="middle" class="style2"><span class="style5">*</span> Email Address</td>
   <td valign="middle"><input type="text" name="email" value="<%=Request.Form("email")%>" size="30" maxlength="80"></td>

   <td align="right" valign="middle" class="style2">Phone Number</td>
   <td valign="middle"><input type="text" name="phone" size="30" maxlength="30"></td>

   <td valign="middle" align="right" class="style2"></td>
	<td valign="middle">&nbsp;</td>

   <td valign="middle" align="right" class="style2"><span class="style5">*</span> Message</td>
   <td valign="middle"><textarea name="comments" cols="23" rows="5"></textarea>

<table align="center" width="90%">
<tr align="right">
<p align="center" class="style2"><span class="style5">*</span> Please type the words below</p>
' returns string the can be written where you would like the reCAPTCHA

function recaptcha_challenge_writer(publickey)
recaptcha_challenge_writer = "<script type=""text/javascript"">" & _
"var RecaptchaOptions = {" & _
"   theme : 'blackglass'," & _
"   tabindex : 0" & _
"};" & _
"</script>" & _
"<script type=""text/javascript"" src=""" & publickey & """></script>" & _
"<noscript>" & _
  "<iframe src=""" & publickey & """ frameborder=""1""></iframe><br>" & _
    "<textarea name=""recaptcha_challenge_field"" rows=""3"" cols=""40""></textarea>" & _
    "<input type=""hidden"" name=""recaptcha_response_field"" value=""manual_challenge"">" & _
end function

dim myCaptcha
myCaptcha = recaptcha_challenge_writer(pubkey)
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send Email"> 
''''''''''''''''' END DISPLAY INITIAL FORM '''''''''''''''''''''
end if %>
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                                  <td style="width:100%; height:100%;">
								  <div style="margin-left:11px; margin-right:11px;">
								  <p class="style2"><strong>UFO Recordings on Myspace</strong><br>
							  <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
							  <p class="style2"><strong>The Contract Killers</strong><br>
							  <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
							  <p class="style2"><strong>K-Funk</strong><br>
							  <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
							  <p class="style2"><strong>DJ MadScratch</strong><br>
							  <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
							  <p class="style2"><strong>Auditory Groove</strong><br>
							  <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
							  <p class="style2"><strong>DJ ONyX</strong><br>
							  <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>

							  <p class="style2"><strong>DJ Structure</strong><br>
							  <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
							  <p class="style2"><strong>DJ Gimme Samoa</strong><br>
							  <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>

							  <p class="style2"><strong>Symphonic Distribution</strong><br>
							  <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
							  <p class="style2"><strong>Houston Bernard</strong><br>
							  <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>						  
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Member Avatar for djkfunk

Problem solved...I've got another issue which I'll post in a new thread

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