hi, thanks for ppl answered my last thread and i did get that overcome. thanksss

big picture:
now. last last problem, my program generates 10 random questions with random wrong answers in radio and one correct answer also in radio. when i click checkAnswer it should check the right answer and compare to the user provided answer.

please check out isCorrect() function (and see comment) .. i tried diff things and couldn't get the value out from the radio checked value.

i spent 5 hours on this issue .. any help would be great.

<TITLE>Experiments with Simple Objects.</TITLE>

<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">
checkedResults = 0
checkSummary = 0
questions = new Array()

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
   questions[i] = new Question(Math.floor(Math.random()*5) + 3, Math.floor(Math.random()*5) + 3, i)

function Question(n1, n2, slot)
   this.slot = slot
   this.tries = 0
   this.correct = false
   this.question = "What is the sum of " + n1 + " and " + n2 + "?"
   this.answer   = n1 + n2
   this.handleGuess = handleGuess
   this.writeQuestion = writeQuestion
   this.isCorrect = isCorrect

function clearAndFocus(slot)
	document.quiz['q'+slot].value = " "

//////////// this function is not doing the job /////////////
function isCorrect()
 //////// how do i get the radio checked value ??? ////////////
   if (document.quiz["q" + this.slot].value == this.answer)
      this.correct = true
      return true
      this.correct = false
      return false

 * write the question into an already existing form.
 * expects to be passed the number in the question array
 * where this question is stored.
function writeQuestion()
   //Write out the question:
   document.writeln("<P>" + this.question+"</P>")
   var right =   this.answer+"<INPUT type=radio name=q"+this.slot+" value="+this.answer+">"
   var wrong1 = (this.answer+1)+"<INPUT type=radio name=q" + this.slot + " value="+(this.answer+1)+ ">"
   var wrong2 = (this.answer+2)+"<INPUT type=radio name=q" + this.slot + " value="+(this.answer+2)+ ">"
   var wrong3 = (this.answer-3)+"<INPUT type=radio name=q" + this.slot + " value="+(this.answer-3)+ ">"
   var wrong4 = (this.answer-2)+"<INPUT type=radio name=q" + this.slot + " value="+(this.answer-2)+ ">"
   var zero = true
   var one = true
   var two = true
   var three = true
   var four = true
   var r 
   while( (zero == true) || (one == true) || (two == true) || (three == true) || (four == true) )
   	   r = Math.floor(Math.random()*5)
	   if(r == 0)
			if(zero == true)
				zero = false
	   if(r ==1)
	   		if(one ==true)
			one= false
	   if(r ==2)
	   		if(two == true)
	   if(r ==3)
	   		if(three == true)
	   if(r ==4)
	   		if(four == true)
   //Write out the first part of the input button
   document.writeln("<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON value=\"Check Your Answer\" ")
   //Write out the onClick event handler for example if n is 1 onClick="questions.[1].handleGuess(this.form.q1.value)"
  // document.writeln("onClick=\"questions[" + this.slot + "].handleGuess(getRadioValue(document.quiz.q"+this.slot+"))\">")
   document.writeln("onClick=\"questions[" + this.slot + "].handleGuess(getRadioValue(this))\">")
   //Write out the paragraph ending.

function getRadioValue(radioArray)
	var i

	for(i=0; i<radioArray.length; i++)
			return radioArray[i].value
		return ""

function handleGuess(guess)
  // alert(document.quiz.q0.getRadioValue(this))
   if (guess == this.answer)
      this.correct = true
      this.correct = false
      alert("Not Correct.")

function showResults()
   var tries = checkedResults
   var correct = 0
   var total = questions.length

   for (i = 0; i < total; i++){
      tries += questions[i].tries
      correct += questions[i].isCorrect()
   alert("You got " + correct + " questions right out of a total of " + total + "\n" +
         "You checked your answer " + tries + " times."+" \nAnd you check the summary "+checkSummary+" times")


<BODY onLoad="document.quiz.reset()">
	<H1>Simple Adding Quiz Page</H1>
	<FORM Name="quiz">
		<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">
		for (i = 0; i < questions.length; i++)

		<P><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" Value="How did I do?" onClick="showResults()">


Recommended Answers

All 2 Replies

The problem goes with the slot argument, resulting to 0 value no matter where the count starts.

I'll provide you with some brief example later...

Here's a simple demo of getting the correct the value of the supplied question, and then alerts the user if he/she got the right answer associated in its field.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<html id="html40L" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
<meta http-equiv="Window-target" content="_top">
<title>Free Live Help!</title>
<style type="text/css">

<script type="text/javascript">

var Question = function( counter ) {
   this.counter = counter;

Question.prototype = {
   tries : 0,
   question : function( n1, n2 ) {   
   return {    
   questions : n1 + " and " + n2   };
   getQ : function() {
      for ( var i = 0; i < this.counter; i++ ) {    
      return this.question(( Math.floor( Math.random() * 5 ) + 3 ), ( Math.floor( Math.random() * 5 ) + 3 ));
   createInput : function( lab, val, ids ) {
   return " " + lab + " <input type=\"radio\" value=\"" + (( val ) ? val : "" ) + "\"" + " id=\"" + (( ids ) ? ids : "" ) + "\">";

start : function() {
var n = 1;
var m = 5;
var tip;
var cue;
var ans;
var total = "";
var input = [ ];
   tip = this.getQ().questions;
   cue = String( tip ).match(/\d+/g);
   ans = parseInt((( cue[ 0 ] * 1 ) + cue[ 1 ] * 1 ));
var question = "";
   total = this.createInput( ans, ans, "q" + ans );
   num = ( 4 );
   input.push( total );
   while( num >= n ) {
   input.push( this.createInput((( num ) * (( num === m ) ? m -= 1 : m -= 1 )))); 
   input.sort( function() { return .5- Math.random(); } );
   num--; }
   question += "<p><b>Q:</b> What is the sum of " + cue[ 0 ] + " and " + cue[ 1 ] + "?<br><br>";
   question += "<label for=\"" + (( "q" ) + ans ) + "\"><b>A:</b></label> " + input.join(" ") + "<br>";
   question += "<button onclick=\"(( document.getElementById ) ? document.getElementById('q' + " + ans + ") : document.all['q' + " + ans + "] ).checked ? alert('Correct Answer') : alert('Wrong Answer');\">Check Answer</button>";
   return { 
      question : question,
      input : input,
      answer : ans }
var $QandA = new Question( 10 );

window.onload = function() {
   for ( var j = 0; j < $QandA.counter; j++ ) {
 document.writeln( $QandA.start().question + "</p><hr>" );
// -->
<div id="output"></div>
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