culebrin 0 Junior Poster in Training


I have a dataset build at design time (vs 2008) with several tables of my DB (MSSQL 2005).

I have a DataTable with its tableadapter... I need that the TableAdapter.Update function returns the key updated (always will be a single row updated at the time).

I know, I passed the primarykey to filter the update statement, so it means that I already have the value, but I really need the update function return the key value ...

I tried replacing the update commandtext value replacing the last select statement with "select @keyparameter" statement and executing it as Scalar... but no luck...

Please someone can help me with this... It would very apreciated...


Dim dt As New DA.Repositorio.ItemMostradorDataTable
            ItemMostradorTA.FillByKey(dt,, Nothing)

            With dt.Rows(0)
                '.Item("itemm_id") =
                .Item("itemm_descripcion") = Me.descripcion
                .Item("unime_id") = Me.unime_id
                .Item("categ_id") = Me.categ_id
                .Item("itemm_codigo_barras") = Me.itemm_codigo_barras
                .Item("itemm_minimo_alerta") = Me.minimo_alerta
                .Item("itemm_costo") = Me.itemm_costo
                .Item("itemm_precio_venta") = Me.itemm_precio_venta
                .Item("mostr_id") = Me.repositorio_id
                .Item("itemm_estado_registro") = Me.estado_registro
                .Item("creado_usuario") = Me.creado_usuario
                .Item("creado_fecha") = IIf(Me.creado_fecha.Ticks = 0, System.DBNull.Value, Me.creado_fecha)
                .Item("modificado_usuario") = Me.modificado_usuario
                .Item("modificado_fecha") = IIf(Me.modificado_fecha.Ticks = 0, System.DBNull.Value, Me.modificado_fecha)
            End With

            response = ItemMostradorTA.Update(dt)
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