Celtwarrior 0 Newbie Poster

First of all, hello folks.

Now, I have a problem with a PHP script for checking domain availability.

No mather what domain name I type on web page in a form, script always says "already in use". If anyone could help me,? tnx

Here is the code:


function lookup($domain)
    exec("host -t ns $domain",$hasil);
    if (ereg("host not found.",strtolower(trim($hasil[0]))))
    // It possible only 1 ns or not found
        return false;
    } else
        for ($i=0;$i<=count($hasil);$i++)
        $hasilstr.=ereg_replace("$domain name server","<LI>",$hasil[$i])."<BR>";
        return $hasilstr;

if (!lookup("$domain"))
    echo "$domain is available";
} else
    echo "$domain already in use";