Hey can anyone please help me :S . I have created a user table with different levels for instance type 0 to 2. If the user is type 1 then a certain page will open . I have placed my values in sessions then used a condition to verify. Please help me because when the type 0 it goes to the right page. but if its 1 or 2 it displays a blank page does even echo the message I put in to show that the type is different.
<?php require_once ("inc/session.php");?>
<?php require_once("inc/connection.php"); ?>
$query="Select `id`,`username`,`type` From `tblusers` Where username=\"$username\" and passwordc=\"$hashed_password\"";
if (mysql_num_rows($result)==1)
//echo "it works";
if($_SESSION['username']==$username && $_SESSION['type']==1){
echo "<script language=\"javascript\"> window.location.replace(\"http:\/\/\localhost\/\Sample\/\test\/\test.php\");</script>";}
//echo "it dont".mysql_error();
echo "It recons ".$_SESSION['type'];