coollife -4 Junior Poster in Training
I created a new crystalreport1.rpt , and also created a new DataSet1.xsd . 

For the crystalrepor1.rpt i have the given DataSet1.xsd as datasource .

Now in the default.aspx i want to create  a dataset of my requirement and assign that to dataset1.xsd and bind this to crystalreportviewer control which i have placed in default.aspx

SqlConnection oconnection = oclsdbconn.Getconnection();
        string str = "select cat_name,prod_name from category_det,product_det";
        SqlDataAdapter dscmd = new SqlDataAdapter(str, oconnection);
        DataSet ds = new DataSet("DataSet1");

        CrystalReportViewer1 report = new CrystalReportViewe1r();
        CrystalReportViewer1.datasource = report;

code goes something like what i have mentioned above. Please solve this by giving correct code .