
I've made a website but I've run into a problem. The site looks great when the user has the browser window maximized but when the browser is minimized an image I have on the right side of the screen is pushed over onto my background image.

This is what I want it to look like when the browser is maximized.


But this is what happens when I minimize the window:


I've ran into this problem before but not really sure how to get around this. I tried to do position:relative, absolute but that did not work either:

<div id="BackGround" class="main">
     <img src="images/SidePanel.jpg" class="brandsPic"  
       alt="Brands" />

my css:

	background-image: url("../images/Background.jpg");

I'm not sure how to make that img "Stay" in that spot regardless of the window size. Is there a tutorial or something I'm missing?

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The margin-left of the image is causing this. if you add to .main 50px left for the background image it will probably solve your problem.

I fixed it. I put that div into a container div and set the width to 1200px;

<div id="container" class="container">
    <div id="BackGround" class="main">
      <img src="images/SidePanel.jpg" class="brandsPic" alt="Brands" />
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