keeran6 0 Newbie Poster

First of all, am in the process of learning cold-fusion coding.

I have a doubt in reporting part of coldfusion code.

I need to make a report style such as below

A B C Pass
x B x Fail
A x C Pass
A x x Pass

Presently am able to get display data table like below:

ABC Pass

Where A,B,C are feed group;

My coding specific to looping is below:

<cfoutput query="PromotionInfo" group= RID> <tr>

<cfoutput group="feed_group">

               <cfif IsSimpleValue(Feed_Group) >

                          <td  nowrap><a href="#PromotionInfo.Report#" target="_blank">#PromotionInfo.feed_group#</a></td>





I tried for looping, still no sucess so far..

Note: Problem here in looping is When I tried cfif/Cfloop condition's for every column-wise data,

cfoutput for PromotionInfo.feed_group gives ABC (joined values) not separately ie. for each cycle of loop the data queried are shown in one single row. Am not able to split it since they are not having any delimiters.

Am not sure I gave the right picture of my problem, still expecting someone can help me..



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