dimerbox 0 Newbie Poster

Hey All,

Question: I have a coldfusion/access database first of all , and I'm using the Dreamweaver Accordion Slider Spry. So I have 4 panels that slide once clicked, here is my issue... I have my database populated on Panel #3, When I hit next or previous it will go to the next 3 records for that recordset but... it will refresh the page and resume back at Panel #1 so Panel #3 will be closed and have to be reopened to view it. How can I set the next/previous to go to a certain Panel ID and stay on it.

I'm no master at coldfusion but I'm just assuming it has something to do with this part of the code with the "#CurrentPage#"

a href="#CurrentPage#?PageNum_Edit=#Min(IncrementValue(PageNum_Edit),TotalPages_E dit)##QueryString_Edit#">Next</a>