Hi All,

I need to track the number of times a link is clicked/file downloaded
& capture this info in the database.

please advise urgently..

Dependent on your webserver, just count how many times a picture was sent to be displayed(read) similar goes for files.

Or you can add more information, not just one sentence.

Hi All,

I need to track the number of times a link is clicked/file downloaded
& capture this info in the database.

please advise urgently..

Hi All,

I need to track number of clicks on a hyperlink & save this count in a table in database.

I need to develop in javascript

Please help ASAP :-(

Just use one incrementer and store the value in one hiddenfield,and update in database.

for ex,

<input type=hidden id=NoOfClicks>
In Js,
var val=document.getElementById('NoOfClicks');
val.value = val.value+1;

Otherwise try ajax,if need any help for ajax check the ajax articles here

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