I have a simple gallery script in flash that has a php admin. The login works in firefox but no IE it redirects you right back to the login page can anyone figure this out it's 3 files index.php admin.php config.php the index.php redirects you to admin.php.


if (!isset($login)&&!isset($pass)) {
	print'<html><link href="main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><body style="background-color: #161616;">';
	print'<table width="100%" height="100%" border="0"><tr><td valign="middle"  style="color:#FFFFFF;font-family: Tahoma; font-size:11px " align="center">';
	print'<img src="pics/text_top.jpg" border="0"><br><br>';
	print'<img src="pics/logo.jpg" border="0">';
	print'<form action="index.php" method="post">';
    print '<strong>Login:</strong> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input name="login" type="text" maxlength="16"  style="border-color:#777777; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; background-color:#000000; color:#777777 "/><br><br>';
    print '<strong>Password:</strong> &nbsp;&nbsp;<input name="pass" type="password" maxlength="16"  style="border-color:#777777; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; background-color:#000000; color:#777777 "/><br><br>';
	print'<input name="ENTER" type="submit" value="" style="width:78px; height:21px; border-width:0px; border-style:solid; background-image:url(pics/submit.jpg)"/>';
} else {
	$login = str_replace("'", "", $login);
	$login = substr($login,0,16);
	require ("config.php");
	if (($a1==0)&&($a2==0)) {
	  setcookie($COOKIE_LOGIN_NAME, $login, time()+3600);
	  setcookie($COOKIE_PASSW_NAME, md5($pass), time()+3600);
	  header("Location: admin.php");
	} else {
	  setcookie($COOKIE_LOGIN_NAME, '', time()+3600);
	  setcookie($COOKIE_PASSW_NAME, '', time()+3600);
	  header("Location: index.php");
print "<noscript>";


	require ("config.php");
if (($a1!=0)or($a2!=0)) {
      header("Location: index.php");
} else {
	Header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
	Header('Pragma: no-cache');
	Header('Expires: Mon,26 Jul 1980 05:00:00 GMT');
if ($_GET['dir_selected']) {$dir_selected=$_GET['dir_selected'];};
if ($_POST['dir_selected']) {$dir_selected=$_POST['dir_selected'];};

if ($edit_dir!='') {
	print '<table><tr><td style="color:#ffffff">'."\n";

	print "<form action=\"admin.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
	print "Category to rename:<br />\n";
	print "<b>$edit_dir</b><br />\n";
	print "<input name=\"ren_dir\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$edit_dir\" /><br />\n";
	print "New category name:<br />\n";
	print "<input name=\"ren_dir2\" type=\"text\" /><br />\n";
	print "<input type=\"submit\" /></form>\n";

	print "</td></tr></table>\n";
	print "</body></html>";
} else {

// rename category
	if (($ren_dir!='')&&($ren_dir2!='')) {
	  rename($gallery_path."/".$ren_dir, $gallery_path."/".$ren_dir2);
// add new category
	if (($new_dir!='')&&(!is_dir($gallery_path."/".$new_dir))) {
	  mkdir($gallery_path."/".$new_dir, 0777);
	  mkdir($gallery_path."/".$new_dir."/pix", 0777);
	  mkdir($gallery_path."/".$new_dir."/thumbs", 0777);
// delete category
	if (($del_dir!='')&&(is_dir($gallery_path."/".$del_dir))) {
	  if ($Open) {
	    while ($Files=readdir($Open)) {
		if (($Files!='.')&&($Files!='..')) {
		  if (file_exists($gallery_path."/".$del_dir."/thumbs/".$Files)) {
		  if (file_exists($gallery_path."/".$del_dir."/pix/".$Files)) {
	  if (file_exists($gallery_path."/".$del_dir."/settings.dat")) {

	while ($Files=readdir($Open)) {
	  if (!is_file($Files)&&$Files!='.'&&$Files!='..') {
		print '<table width="239"><tr><td style="color:#ffffff">';

		print "<a href=\"admin.php?del_dir=$Files\" class=\"menu_2\"><img src=\"pics/delete.gif\" border=0 alt=\"delete\"></a> ";
		print "<a href=\"admin.php?edit_dir=$Files\" class=\"menu_2\"><img src=\"pics/edit.gif\" border=0 alt=\"edit\"></a> ";
		if ($dir_selected==$dirs_count) {
			print "<a href=\"admin.php?dir_selected=$dirs_count\" class=\"menu_1\">$Files</a>";

//read category settings
			if (is_file($FileName)) {
			  if (filesize($FileName)>0) {
		} else {
			print "<a href=\"admin.php?dir_selected=$dirs_count\" class=\"menu_2\">$Files</a>";
		print '</td></tr></table>';

	print '<br><br><table width="100%"><tr><td  style="color:#FFFFFF "><strong class="white"  style=" font-size:11px ">Add new category:</strong><form action="admin.php" method="post"><input name="dir_selected" type="hidden" value="'.$dir_selected.'"><input type="text" name="new_dir" style="border-color:#777777; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; background-color:#000000; color:#777777 "><input name="OK" type="submit" value=""  style="width:51px; height:21px; border-width:0px; border-style:solid; background-image:url(pics/add.jpg)"></form></td></tr></table>';
	print "</td><td>";

//select image - save category settings
	if (($select_file!='')&&($dirs_count!=0)) {

// add new picture

if (isset($_FILES["new_file"])) {
	if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['new_file']['tmp_name'])) {
		$filename = $_FILES['new_file']['tmp_name'];
		$upload_name = $_FILES['new_file']['name'];
		$ext = substr($_FILES['new_file']['name'], 
			1 + strrpos($_FILES['new_file']['name'], "."));
		$size = GetImageSize($filename);
		if (($size)&&($size[0]<$pic_max_size_x)&&($size[1]<$pic_max_size_y)) {
			if (copy($filename, $gallery_path."/".$selectDir."/pix/".$upload_name)) {
				require ('inc/imgresize.php');
				img_resize($filename, $gallery_path."/".$selectDir."/thumbs/".$upload_name, $thumb_size_x, $thumb_size_y);
		} else {
		    	print "<center><strong class=\"white\"  style=\" font-size:11px \">Size of new picture is very large. Please resize this.<br /><br />";
		    	print "Maximum size of new picture must be: ".$pic_max_size_x."x".$pic_max_size_y."</center><br /><br />";

// delete picture
	if ($delete_file) {

			print '<br><br><table width="100%"  style="margin-left:15px; margin-top:0px;"><tr><td colspan="3"><strong class="white"  style=" font-size:11px ">Add new picture:</strong><form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="admin.php" method="post"><input name="dir_selected" type="hidden" value="'.$dir_selected.'"><input type="file" name="new_file" style="border-color:#777777; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; background-color:#000000; color:#777777 ">&nbsp;<input name="OK" type="submit" value=""  style="width:51px; height:21px; border-width:0px; border-style:solid; background-image:url(pics/add.jpg)"></form></td></tr></table>';

	if ($dirs_count>0) {
		if ($Open) {
		while ($Files=readdir($Open)) {
		  $out = array();
		  preg_match('/\S+\.(\S+)$/', $Files, $out);
		  if ($out[1]==="jpg") {
			print '<table width="100%"  bgcolor="#161616" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" style="margin-left:15px; margin-top:0px;">';
			if ($k==0) {	
			  print '<tr bgcolor="#313131">';
			} else {
			  print '<tr bgcolor="#2d2d2d">';
			print '<td width="38"><a href="admin.php?';
			print "delete_file=$Files&dir_selected=$dir_selected";
			print '"><img src="pics/delete.gif" border=0 alt="delete" style="margin-left:12px "></td>';
			print '<td width="38"><a href="admin.php?';
			if ($category_settings!=$Files) {
			  print "select_file=$Files&dir_selected=$dir_selected";
			  print '"><img src="pics/no_select.gif" border=0 alt="select" style="margin-left:12px ">';
			} else {
			  print "select_file=$Files&dir_selected=$dir_selected";
			  print '"><img src="pics/select.gif" border=0 alt="select" style="margin-left:12px "></td>';

			print '<td width="50"><a href="';
			print $gallery_path."/".$selectDir."/pix/".$Files;
			print '"><img src="';
			print $gallery_path."/".$selectDir."/thumbs/".$Files;
			print '" border="0" width="50" height="50"></a></td><td  style="color:#FFFFFF ">';
			print $Files;
			print '</td></tr></table>';
		} else {
			print '<table width="100%">';
			print '<tr>';
			print '<td colspan="3">no files found</td>';
			print '</td></tr></table>';






Recommended Answers

All 3 Replies


Since this is browser specific, the problem is likely not in the PHP code itself, but rather the HTML (or other client-side code).

You should start by fixing the HTML for the login form. Main things to consider there:

  1. A HTML document requires a <head> tag, and a <title> tag within the <head> tag. The <link> tag should also be inside the <head> tag.
  2. Your form is enclosed in a <table> element, which has no rows and no columns. If you intend to use a table, you need to set it up properly. (See Google for details on that.) Otherwise you may as well trade it out for a <div>.
  3. Your end </body> tag is missing the closing > char.

You can use the W3C Markup Validation Service to spot additional problems in your markup.

Fix that and then try again. IE has a hard enough time using error-free markup, let alone broken markup ;-)

commented: I valued your post even if the idiot who posted didn't! +4
Member Avatar for diafol

Glad to see Atli didn't waste his time then. :icon_rolleyes:

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