I am absolutely 100% new to php programming, so go easy on me.

I have looked at php tutorials on how to create a simple form on a html page and then using a php script, have the contents of the form emailed to me, then it redirect to a "thank you" page. However, the php script i have at the moment is just showing a blank screen when executed.

The php code i am using:

$name = $_GET ; $company = $_GET ; $emailaddress = $_GET ; $message = $_GET ;
mail( "paul@coatesdesign.net", "Website form", $message, $company, $name, "From: $email" ); header( "Location: http://www.coatesdesign.net/thankyou.htm" );

and the form code i am using on the html page:

<form action="form.php" method="post" name="form" id="form">
Name : <input name="name" type="text" id="name" size="25">
Company: <input name="company" type="text" id="company" size="30">
Email Address: <input name="emailaddress" type="text" id="emailaddress" size="50">
<textarea name="message" cols="80" rows="6" id="message"></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
<input type="reset" name="Submit2" value="Clear">

The page i have it on is here

thank you very much for you help in advance.

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Hello vismund!

The problem is that you are not using the mail() function the right way... it is just a couple of details (check the manual ):

mail functions uses 4 parameters only. Everything goes right until the end of mail( "paul@coatesdesign.net", "Website form", $message ... the 4th parameter should be the headers. You will need to enter the company and other data inside your $message variable. If you remove everything that follows , $message you can see it work... like this:

mail( "paul@coatesdesign.net", "Website form", $message); header( "Location: http://www.coatesdesign.net/thankyou.htm" );

Try this to solve the problem:

$name = $_GET['name'] ; $company = $_GET['company'] ; $emailaddress = $_GET['emailaddress'] ; $message = $_GET['message'] ;
mail( "paul@coatesdesign.net", "Website form", $message.$company. $name. "From: $email" ); header( "Location: http://www.coatesdesign.net/thankyou.htm" );


$message = "$message\n\n$company\n$name";

for some formatting where \n gives you a new line.

When you're feeling like experimenting take a look at http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net and try some html emails.


Thank you both very much for your help.
Although, i'm still finding out that it isnt working and it still shows a blank page while on www.coatesdesign.net/form.php

heres the code i have now:

$name = $_REQUEST['name'] ; $company = $_REQUEST['company'] ; $emailaddress = $_REQUEST['emailaddress'] ; $message = "$_REQUEST['message']\n\n$company\n$name" ;
mail( "deathonthestairs@hotmail.com", "Website form", $message, "From:
$email" ); header( "Location: http://www.coatesdesign.net/thankyou.htm" );

Is there anything i am doing wrong?

Ive got the email mailing to my email address now.
Although it just emails a blank email, with the header "Website form", doesnt say who sent it, even though i filled in the email address box. Also the "header" code doesnt redirect to that page.
heres the code im using:

$name = $_GET['name'] ;
$company = $_GET['company'] ;
$emailaddress = $_GET['emailaddress'] ;
$message = $_GET['message'] ;

$message = "$message\n\n$company\n$name";

mail( "paul@coatesdesign.net", "Website form", $message, "From: $emailaddress" );
header( "Location: http://www.coatesdesign.net/thankyou.htm" );

The error i get on the php page is:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/coatesd/public_html/form.php:4) in /home/coatesd/public_html/form.php on line 13

Somewhere at the top of the page you have a space, maybe a blank line before your <?php
Something like that. Effectively it's starting your page, get rid of it, you can't have anything before the <?php if you want to use header() in your script.

Try putting an exit; afterwards as well.


Thank you all very very much!!
I have it working now, with it redirecting to the thanks page using javascript.

for reference, heres my code:

$name = $_REQUEST['name'] ;
$company = $_REQUEST['company'] ;
$emailaddress = $_REQUEST['emailaddress'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['message'] ;
$message = "$message\n\n$company\n$name"; 

mail( "paul@coatesdesign.net", "Website form", $message, "From: $emailaddress" );
  window.location= "http://www.coatesdesign.net/thankyou.htm"

thanks again

well done!!

Just a remark: Never use header after any other php script is called.

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