hi iam working on a project and i want to sent and access data in MS Access using jsp so,

Please tell me how can i do this

   <title>JSP MS Access Example</title>
   <%@ page import="javax.naming.*" %>
   <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
   <%@ page import="javax.sql.*" %>

   <h1>JSP MS Access Example</h1>


   Connection conn = null;
   Statement stmt = null;
   ResultSet rs = null;

   try {

       // Obtain our environment naming context
       Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
       Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");

       // Look up our data source
       DataSource ds = (DataSource) envCtx.lookup("jdbc/MyDB");

       // Allocate and use a connection from the pool
       conn = ds.getConnection();

       // Fetch and display data
       stmt = conn.createStatement();

       // You need to edit this query
       rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT CompanyName FROM suppliers");

       while (rs.next()) {
           // You need to edit this column name
           String s = rs.getString("CompanyName");
           out.print(s + "<br>");

       rs = null;
       stmt = null;
       conn.close(); // Return to connection pool
       conn = null;  // Make sure we do not close it twice
   } catch (SQLException e) {
       out.print("Throw e" + e);
   } finally {
     // Always make sure result sets and statements are closed,
     // and the connection is returned to the pool
     if (rs != null) {
       try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { ; }
       rs = null;
     if (stmt != null) {
       try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { ; }
       stmt = null;
     if (conn != null) {
       try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { ; }
       conn = null;


commented: Ouch, database connectivity from JSP instead of servlet, bad, bad... -2
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