rick12 0 Newbie Poster

I have very little experience in JSP but need to write a page that passes some parameters to another web page that will display one of two possible outputs:
1) an UUID (ex. 1UDID-3XSID-RT45J-D78DD)
2) -Invald Username and Password

I need to 'catch' the output of this page and based on what is caught, call a second web page to create a new account for the user OR log the user into a web site using the UUID that was caught.

So here is what I need to do in psudo code:
Call web page passing username and password
Catch page output
If UUID is returned
Call second web page to log user in
Close the JSP page that called the web site
Else (user doesn't exist)
Call other web page to create user account.
Close the JSP page that created the user account

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm reading tutorials, but I don't know the command type (ex post, redirect, get, etc.) to search for.

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