HI I have written a Report in SSRS 2008, and have deployed using Reportviewer and ASP.net. When you run the report in the ASP.net, one little problem is that, the data is a grouping of product types, and you can click on the + sign, and then it provides details of what makes up the summary data. When you scroll down a bit, and then open the data, lets say towards the end of the groups. when it displays the details, it sort of repositions the page to the top. I guess the cursor is reset or so.

I have some overrides for some of the reports like this:

case "SpendingAnalysis":
                    cmbFilterBy.Enabled = true;

I was wondering if a control could be placed here to fix the issue, or if not, where do you think the location is to fix in the ASP .net

Please let me know if I should ask other codes or if I am not explaining the problems well.

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