how can i restrict the web user to save my web site into their local machine
i want to restrict to save it
help me

>Restricting a user to save a web page.

Don't do it.

why should i don't do it
we should make some restriction

>why should i don't do it

Did you read that thread?

>we should make some restriction

Tell me about restrictions you want to add.

>why should i don't do it

Did you read that thread?

>we should make some restriction

Tell me about restrictions you want to add.

actually i have upload one web site if web client access my website and he is trying to save my layout of my web pages into their local machine thats only the reason i want to put restriction for saving my site to their local machine

You can look up javascript functions to disable right clicking on a web page. You can look up ways to limit menu options, you can even use javascript to open pages with no address or menu bars altogether. Look the functions up via google, although it's not guaranteed you'll find methods that cover all browsers.

But the point adatapost is trying to make and if you followed the link he provided, you can do all of that stuff, but someone who really wants to save your web page is going to be able to do so. You can frustrate him or her, but you can't stop him or her.

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