linuxoidoz 0 Light Poster


I'm trying to make a custom search form in Concrete5 CMS. Without any help on their forums, I thought I could make a workaround for now.

From what I understand, I can make a search form with an input field <input name='query' value='' /> which works absolutely fine, and the key is the 'query' variable which takes the value word(s) and does the search. So, I can either enter 1 or more words into the input field and it will search for them in pages. Fine.

What I need to do is instead of entering multiple words in the input field, I want to only use select comboboxes and then do a search based on what's been selected. This maybe can be done through some Concrete5 APIs but without their help I've got no idea. So for now I see the only way is to get all those selected values and put them into an array and then pass it to hidden field with a name='query'. This may be an aweful way of doing this, but I can't think of anything alse.

So, how can I get the selected variables, put them in an array and then pass it as a value to the hidden input with a name='query'? Is this possible at all?

I'd love to see a better solution or if there's a C5 expert here, I will really really appreciate your help.

Thank you.

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