I am trying to run a stored procedure from PHP file,i am getting following error :

CALL fetch_gist()
execute command denied to user 'user_name'@'localhost' for routine 'dbname.fetch_gist' on 1370

When i directly call stored procedure from phpmyadmin it works fine ,
but when i call the same from php file the above shown error occurs.

plz kindly give me solution for this.

From the sounds of it the user you are connecting to the database as does not have permission to execute the stored procedure, check out this page on how to grant all privileges to a user: http://www.ntchosting.com/mysql/grant.html#How_to_GRANT_privileges_to_users

Do bare in mind though you shouldn't necessarily grant all privileges to a user, but it will be a quick work around for you for now.

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