jacklops 0 Newbie Poster

I am very new to the JSP and EL. I have a JSP main file which loads several custom tags from tagx files. But all tags for now are statically loaded on page load.

I want to dynamically load the custom tags using javascript I wrote a ajax/script for that but it seems to be not working properly.

tags writen in files
tagA.tagx, tagB.tagx

document.getElementById('A').innerHTML = "<basic:tagA/>"
document.getElementById('B').innerHTML = "<basic:tagB/>"

this is place i wanted to load the customs tags into -->
<div id="A"></div>
<div id="B"></div>

I know this is not the right way to do it, but can anyone please tell me what I am missing? Or how to access the tagx to dynamically load using ajax?

Thank you..