I want to send parameters via submitted form, and then to reload my jsp page:
Should I use onclick command or on submit action to transfer parameters using GET method?
My code:
<form action="ShowPatientList.do" id="patientListForm" name="patientListForm" method = "GET">
<p>ImiÄ™ <input id ="imie" name = "Imie" value = ""></p>
<p>Nazwisko <input id ="nazwisko" name = "Nazwisko" value = ""></p>
<p>Pesel <input id ="pesel" name = "Pesel" value = ""></p>
<input id ="subbutton" type = "submit" name="Wyszukiwanie" value = "Szukaj" onclick="">
<c:forEach var="patient" items="${allPatients}">
<p onmouseover="style.backgroundColor='blue', style.cursor='pointer', style.width='320px'"
onclick='method = "GET", window.location="ShowPatientDetail.do?guid="+<c:out value="${patient.guid}"/>'>
<c:out value="${patient.name}"/>
<c:out value="${patient.surname}"/>
<c:out value="${patient.pesel}"/>