I have a problem in posting form elements through ajax, what am i doing wrong? Can anyone help me please :(


$uid = "username";
$tid = 500;
$photoTiding = "true";
$picName = "picname";
$pid = "pid";
//displaying users pic and textarea to comment.
$user = "SELECT pic FROM user WHERE userid='$uid'";
$resultUser = mysql_query($user,$con);
$rowUser = mysql_fetch_array($resultUser);

//including addtidingcomment_ajaxx script.

echo "<script type='text/javascript'>

function addComment()
	document.getElementById('comment').value = 'Processing...';
	if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
		// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
		xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
		// code for IE6, IE5
		xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
	var parameters = 'comment='+escape(encodeURI(document.getElementById('comment_box').value))
		if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)

//displaying textbox for writing a comment.
echo "
	<div id='comments'>
	<div id='comments_pic'>";
	$userPic = "SELECT pic FROM user WHERE userid='$uid'";
	$resultUserPic = mysql_query($userPic,$con);
	$rowPic = mysql_fetch_array($resultUserPic);							
	echo "<img src='crop/".$rowPic['pic']."' width='30px' border='0'/>";
	echo "</div>
	<form action='addtidingcomment.php?pid=".$pid."&tid=".$tidingId."' method='POST'>
	<div id='comments_content2'>
	<textarea name='comment' id='comment_box'></textarea>
	<div id='comments_time' style='padding-top:1px;'>
		<input type='hidden' value='".$photoTiding."' name='phototiding' id='phototiding' />
		<input type='hidden' value='".$picName."' name='picname' id='picname' />
		<input type='button' value='Comment' id='comment' class='button' onClick='javascript:addComment();'/>
	<div id='continue'></div>
echo "<span id='commentable_area'></span>";

From the code snippet posted, I think that the issue is with missing ending ')' at the line 35

var parameters = 'comment='+escape(encodeURI(document.getElementById('comment_box').value))

This is causing Javascript errors and that might be the cause of the issue

The line should be

var parameters = 'comment='+escape(encodeURI(document.getElementById('comment_box').value))
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