jefftanner -1 Newbie Poster


I am typically an ASP.NET programmer, and I am familiar with ASP masterpages.

Because, I also know Java, I was handed a JSP project.

I am looking for an equivalent to asp:Content whereby I can wrap multiple lines of code/HTML between the open and close tag; for example like so:

<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="content_id" >
<p>Hello, World</p>

However, the closest thing I found is jsp:param , but this is an inconvient solution because the param needs to be inclosed within double quotes, whereby multiple lines of code/HTML will need be a series of concatinated strings.

String param_value = "<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="content_id" >
+ "<p>Hello, World</p>"
+ "</div>"

<jsp:param name="param_title" value="<%= param_value %>" />


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