hiii friends... i m gonna work on modeling ajency based website project.

major requirements are: user registration with authentication, their uploads, galleries and ofcource a great search options such as age wise, sex wise.

plz tell me what will be the best framework (or cms) i should use.

according to me some of the preferable options are: cakephp, codeigniter, symphony or yii.

Thanx a lot in advance

Personally I prefer the Zend Framework. Have used it for numerous large projects and I'm very happy with the results.

Personally I prefer the Zend Framework. Have used it for numerous large projects and I'm very happy with the results.

Thankx for instant reply..

1 more ques..

i am 6 month old to php.. how much it will take to build a above said application. i am using framework for the first time.

Depends on your PHP and programming knowledge.

Personally I don't think starting your first project with a limited amount of PHP and utilizing a framework is the best approach. I imagine the complexity and learning curve of the framework will be overwhelming, although I could be wrong.

Frameworks heavily use OOP so without a solid foundation in OOP concepts in PHP the framework will add a second layer of complexity to your learning. But, once you have learned the framework, which ever you choose, and feel comfortable with it, it does speed up your development process.

You spend less time building the foundation for every application and can just jump into the business logic.

Best of luck with the endeavor.

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