Hai i need a coding for Login and its validation in asp.net using vb.net.. Am currently using SQL Server Express Edition 2005 software as my backend...

Its really easy ,just that you need need to follow these steps...

navigate to the following Directory

Execute The following tool.
Click Next accepting all default settings just pay attention to the Following though
Server = SQLServerName\InstanceName
DataBaseName = myDBName

2.on the Web.config add the following(Under AppSettings Tag)
<add name="myDBName" connectiontString="The actual connection String to ur DB" ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

3.under the <system.web> tag add the following
<memebership defaultprovider="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider">
<add name="AspNetSQlMemebershipProvider" ApplicationName ="/" ConnectionString="myDBName"/>

4. create two new web pages;On the First page drag the login control from the Toolbox.on the logon properties set the following value(DestinationPageUrl)to the relative url of page Two.aspx

run it and see,you should be be able to login and be redirected to the second page.This is basic though if you want to customize or you come across any problems free to ask.

Hai i need a coding for Login and its validation in asp.net using vb.net.. Am currently using SQL Server Express Edition 2005 software as my backend...


You can follow the steps in the other answer that will work good. However, if you don't need all the features of 'Role base Authentication/Authorization' then I would suggest that you go for basic 'FormsAuthentication'.

I guess you are doing it for the first time. In that case, i would suggest that you first learn to implement 'Forms Authentication'. The Role Based Authentication/Authorization discussed has lot more things to be done and is an extension of FormsAuthentication.

You can find step by step instructions HERE

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