I'm populating a dropdown from a mysql table with php but some cells in the column are blank, so in the dropdown there are gaps where these blanks are. Can i choose not to show blank cells or something?


Yes, adjust your query to exclude them.

SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE TRIM(yourcolumn) <> ''

$fields is the user submitted value from the first dropdown asking to select a field name.

The query below doesnt work just wanted to double check this was right?


$result1 = mysql_query("select distinct * from `parts` WHERE TRIM(".$fields.") <> '' order by ".$fields."") or die(mysql_error());

If $fields is just one string column, I see no reason why it shouldn't work. Do you get an error, if so, which one ?

I dont get an error, but it still fills the dropdown with blank results!?

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