Ok, here is the problem. I have an article directory and there are over 200 categories. When you go to a category it shows like 15 articles and at the top right and lower left it has like:

Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

When you are on page 1 and click to go to page the page refreshes and you stay on page 1.
No matter what page you click you stay on page 1.

Any suggestions?

Member Avatar for diafol

You have to post your code, otherwise look at line 456 and add a ';'

You have to post your code, otherwise look at line 456 and add a ';'

I guess I am not sure what code you want.

The nuke codes man! We need the launch codes.

Anything that relates to your pagination would be of interest.
The code where it is implemented, and also the code that actually generates the pagination.

The nuke codes man! We need the launch codes.

Anything that relates to your pagination would be of interest.
The code where it is implemented, and also the code that actually generates the pagination.

			  <td align="left" background="images/boxbotbg.gif"><img src="images/boxbotleft.gif" width="13" height="6"></td>
			  <td background="images/boxbotbg.gif"><img src="images/boxbotbg.gif" width="4" height="6"></td>
			  <td><img src="images/boxbotright.gif" width="11" height="6"></td>
			  <td colspan=2><img src="images/trans.gif" width="4" height="9"></td>
		  </table><font class=bodylinks>Go To Page :
		  <?php $pg->showPaging("", "&page=category&category_id=".$_GET["category_id"]); ?></font>&nbsp;<a href="articlerss.php?type=2&category=<?=$_GET["category_id"]?>"><img src="images/rss.jpg" border=0 alt="See As RSS"></a>
		  <hr color="D6D6D6">

Member Avatar for diafol

OK, I think I see the picture. You've used a pagination class and don't know how to modify it. Ask the guy who wrote it. The code you posted doesn't help. You need to show showPaging.

I will share a vision with you:

Your html is deprecated, you're passing unsanitized querystring parameters AND you're using short tags for php. Get the basic right before attempting to use classes.

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