Hello everybody!

I'm a SEOer at present, but i want to be a php programmer! because seo job very very vapidly, every day gain backlinks, gain and gain... tired!

And now I know HTML, also some javascript knowledge, but can't write js by myself , just modify...

IF I want to be a php programmer, how many web design knowledge show i learn, and how long it take till i find a php programmer job... help!


Plain PHP is not enough in most cases. Make sure you know (X)HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and SQL. Preferably some tools/frameworks too. You need to learn how to debug your code. Writing reusable code is definitely a pre. Designing will be helpful in some cases, especially in small companies. Maybe you can apply for a junior or intern position at first.

I don't know how much PHP you know, but i can say that it is fairly easy to learn and master.
PHP is very rewarding, though no one can tell when you can get the job.
As already mentioned PHP alone can not do the work. You will have to learn Javascript, CSS etc. and frameworks like cakePHP, jQuery etc.
If you tell your current knowledge, people here will be able to guide you better.
Visiting Job Boards may help you.

Plain PHP is not enough in most cases. Make sure you know (X)HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and SQL. Preferably some tools/frameworks too. You need to learn how to debug your code. Writing reusable code is definitely a pre. Designing will be helpful in some cases, especially in small companies. Maybe you can apply for a junior or intern position at first.

Thanks pritaeas,

I now can design some Front-end page, using HTML, CSS and Some JS copyed from others

Know a little PHP syntax, didn't know how to debug and how to use any Framworks

I don't know how much PHP you know, but i can say that it is fairly easy to learn and master.
PHP is very rewarding, though no one can tell when you can get the job.
As already mentioned PHP alone can not do the work. You will have to learn Javascript, CSS etc. and frameworks like cakePHP, jQuery etc.
If you tell your current knowledge, people here will be able to guide you better.
Visiting Job Boards may help you.

Hi Vinayak, thanks for your information and guide

I'm now learning the basic PHP Syntax and basic SQL sentence, and found it is not hard understand.

I hope I can do it, find a job in the nearly future.

Thanks again!

Its good that you are questioning about it. Most think that PHP isn’t a programming language but a premade collection of scripts. For a beginner (using Windows) I would sugest that the steps would be install WAMP (WampServer) , understand a bit about MySql, install Eclipse PDT and then spend many hours experimenting. There are also some frameworks out there for PHP , not really OOP and not really MVC but it is best to have your own experience before dealing with these. My best wishes … and one note … I was a programmer before I get any degree … I met many programmers with ph.d that in real life programming they weren’t worth their money. I met and few programmers without even a master degree that they rocked. Actually in programming the key is how do you comprehend the word around. Is it a rational world that every system (and time) has its rules and in order to have even an opinion you must learn them or you just have an opinion without even bother learning the environment ?

install WAMP (WampServer)

i would also recommend that to a beginner. But it would be worth the effort to install AMP(Apache, MySQL, PHP) separately.

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