
I have a button:

<input class = "save" type="button" value="Išsaugoti" />

As you can see the type is not submit, it is just button. This is because I want to not allow submission if javascript is disabled.

To submit I run this code:

$('input.save').click(function() {
		$('form').attr( 'target', '' );
			rules: {
			 	input_pavadinimas: {
			      required: true,
			      maxlength: 20
			    text: {
			    	required: true
			messages: {
					required: "Neįvedėte pavadinimo",
					maxlength: "Maksimalus ilgis - 20 simbolių"
				text: {
					required: "Neįvedėte teksto"
		document.myform.submit();		//myfor - formos name atributas

But the validation doesn't work.

When the button type is submit and I run this code

		 submitHandler:function(form) {
		//document.myform.submit();		//myfor - formos name atributas
		rules: {
		 	input_pavadinimas: {
		      required: true,
		      maxlength: 20
		    text: {
		    	required: true
		messages: {
				required: "Neįvedėte pavadinimo",
				maxlength: "Maksimalus ilgis - 20 simbolių"
			text: {
				required: "Neįvedėte teksto"

validation works perfectly.

I don't find in google and in documentation how to run it when button is not submit type :( Can you help me?

Found the solution:

$('input.save').click(function() {
        $('form').attr( 'target', '' );
        valid = $(".edit").validate({		
            rules: {
                 input_pavadinimas: {
                  required: true,
                  maxlength: 20
                text: {
                    required: true
            messages: {
                    required: "Neįvedėte pavadinimo",
                    maxlength: "Maksimalus ilgis - 20 simbolių"
                text: {
                    required: "Neįvedėte teksto"
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